Working Groups of ISPRS Commission III

WG III/1 - Remote Sensing Data Processing and Understanding

Home Page:

Xinlian Liang

Wuhan University
Luoyulu 129
430079, Wuhan
+86 2768778969

Maria Teresa Melis

University of Cagliari
Via Università 40
09124 Cagliari
+39 3332499189

Weishu Gong

University of Maryland
2181 Samuel J. LeFrak Hall
7251 Preinkert Drive
College Park, MD 20742

Martin Mokroš

University College London
Gower Street,
London, WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

WG III/1  Terms of Reference

  • Promote scientific studies of Remote Sensing Data Processing and Understanding with emphases on the collection of multi-scale/-platform/-sensor imagery and point cloud data, the intelligent algorithms for data fusion, and the AI and machine learning algorithms for feature extraction.
  • Improve quantitative understandings on the state-of-the-art of Remote Sensing Data Processing procedures and algorithms in international communities.
  • Encourage technique transfers of Remote Sensing Data Processing and Understanding technologies among research institutions, national space/mapping agencies and policy makers.
  • Enhance educations through lectures, articles, reports, summer schools and workshops in the field of Remote Sensing Data Processing and Understanding
  • Establish research collaborations through networking and communication among universities and research organizations regarding the Remote Sensing Data Processing and Understanding
  • Collaborate with National and International forums and organization and interact with international research community (IEEE, EU, etc.) to promote the scientific studies and applications of Remote Sensing Data Processing and Understanding



WG III/2 - Spectral and Thermal Data Processing and Analytics

Home Page:

Konstantinos Karantzalos

Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
Heroon Polytechniou 9,
15780, Athens
+30 2107721673

Anna Brook

Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Center for Spatial Analysis Research (UHCSISR)
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
University of Haifa
Abba Khoushy Ave 199
Haifa, 3498838
+972 (0)544 947 076

Jean-Louis Roujean

18 Avenue Edouard Belin
BPI 2801
+33 5 61 55 85 46

Ilkka Pölönen

Spectral imaging laboratory
Faculty of Information Technology
Mattilanniemi 2
40100 Jyväskylä
+35 8400248140

WG III/2  Terms of Reference

  • Visible, Ultraviolet, NIR, SWIR and Thermal imaging spectroscopy from satellite, aerial, UAV, terrestrial and marine acquisition platforms.
  • Processing and analysis of 1D signals, 2D images, 3D hyperspectral cubes and 4D spectral video datasets.
  • Radiometric, atmospheric and geometric calibration/corrections of spectral and thermal data.
  • Fusion and Harmonization of spectral/thermal data with other modalities (e.g., Lidar, SAR, Acoustic), a priori information and multitemporal data.
  • Processing and interpretation of spectral/hyperspectral data from low-cost, miniaturized sensors from autonomous robots and other platforms.
  • Detection, classification and tracking of moving objects/targets/phenomena/behavior in spectral/thermal timeseries and video sequences.
  • Efficient spectral/hyperspectral data processing through parallel programming, graphic card implementation and FPGAs
  • Efficient thermal/spectral/hyperspectral image classification and analysis for the consistent estimation of geo- and bio-physical parameters, mapping, vegetation analysis in agriculture, forestry, environmental remote sensing, safety and security, engineering applications
  • Assess and demonstrate the potential of future or new spectral and thermal systems



WG III/3 - Active Microwave Remote Sensing

Home Page:

Junichi Susaki

Graduate School of Engineering
Kyoto University
Nishikyo-ku Kyoto 615-8540

Florence Tupin

Télécom Paris
19 place Marguerite Perey
91 120 Palaiseau

Michael Schmitt

University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85577 Neubiberg
+49 89 6004-4426

Füsun Balik Sanli

Geomatic Engineering Department
Yildiz Technical University
YTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi
Harita Müh.Böl.
+90 212 383 5331
+90 212 383 5102

Tamer ElGharbawi

Civil Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Suez Canal University
New Campus Kilo 4.5
Ring Road
P.O. 41522

Ronny Hänsch

DLR Germany HR-STR
Münchener Str. 20
82234 Weßling

Francescopaolo Sica

University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 393
85579 Neubiberg
+49 8960043685

Saygin Abdikan

Hacettepe University
Department of Geomatics Engineering
06800 Cankaya/Ankara
+90 312 297 6990/ ext:125

Mustafa Üstüner

Department of Geomatic Engineering
Artvin Coruh University
+90 5079351231

Antonio Pepe

Institute for the Electromagnetic sensing of the environment, IREA
National Council Research of Italy (CNR)
328 Diocleziano
80125 Napoli

Fabiana Calò

National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Institute for Electromagnetic Sesning of Environment (IREA)
Via Diocleziano 328
+39 081 76206 33
+39 081 57057 34

Sayyad Shafiyoddin

Milliya Arts, Science & Management
Science College
Beed 431122 (MS)
+91 9325710235

Mattia Crespi

Geodesy and Geomatics Division - DICEA
Sapienza School for Advanced Studies
Sapienza University of Rome
via Eudossiana, 18
00184 Rome
+39 0644585097

Michele Crosetto

Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
Geomatics Research Unit
Av. Gauss, 7
E-08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)

WG III/3  Terms of Reference

  • Promote advanced research, engineering development, and operational use of theories, methods, systems for the analysis of remotely sensed active microwave observations of the Earth from air-, space- and ground-borne sensors.
  • Promote image and signal processing methods for synthetic aperture radar (based on polarimetry, interferometry, tomography etc.) and altimeter.
  • Assess and demonstrate the potential of future or new radar systems
  • Focus on physical modelling of microwave scattering, geometric analysis of SAR images (i.e. radargrammetry, coregistration etc.), the analysis of spectral signatures, radar image classification, data fusion, pattern recognition, machine learning/deep learning tailored to SAR data and quality control.
  • Enhance the applications in generating digital elevation model (DEM), monitoring land deformation, and assessing environment, geohazards, landuse/landcover including urban areas, nature resources, weather/atmosphere and climate, cryosphere, coastal and ocean, forestry/agricultural and ecosystems/biodiversity.
  • Contribute to effective out-reach through data/algorithms sharing and capacity building, cooperate intensively with international professional societies, space agencies, application-driven scientific communities and the International Committee On Remote Sensing of Environment (ICORSE).
  • Collaborate with the corresponding WG of Commission 1 to promote the development of new processing algorithms in the design of future sensors or their ground segment



WG III/4 - Landuse and Landcover Change Detection

Home Page:

Marcos Adami

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Divisão de Observação da Terra e Geoinformática - DIOTG
Avenida dos Astronautas, 1758
122270010 - São José dos Campos (SP)

Patricia Wanjiku Mwangi

Kenyatta University
Department of Spatial & Environmental Planning
P.O.Box 43844-00100

David Galbraith

University of Leeds
School of Geography
Seminary St, Woodhouse
Leeds LS2 9JT

Aline Meigins

Aline Maria Meiguins de Lima
Universidade Federal do Pará
Instituto de Geociências / PPGCA
R. Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá,
66075-110 Belém (PA)

WG III/4  Terms of Reference

  • Investigate and enhance algorithms and methodologies for land-use and land-cover change mapping and/or detection.
  • Further the study of remote sensing time series for land-use and land-cover changes.
  • Suggest advanced solutions based on deep learning, dynamic modeling, artificial intelligence, etc. for monitoring and analyzing land-use and land-cover changes, including the context of big data.
  • Further the study of the dynamics of land-use and land-cover change in different regions of the world.
  • Further the research and investigations into predicting land-use and land-cover changes
  • Study urban land-use development cycles and changes in rural land-use and land-cover (e.g. agriculture, forestry, recreation), based on data and information fusion.
  • Foster investigations and research toward autonomous or automatic updating of spatial data bases, including using spectral and non-spectral remotely sensed data fused with data and information acquired by other sources.
  • Cooperate with other Geospatial Information societies such as GEO, ICA, and FIG on Change detection based on remotely sensed data and updating of spatial data bases.



WG III/5 - Remote Sensing and Inclusive Development to Leave No One Behind

Home Page:

Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro

INPE - National Institute for Space Research
Av. dos Astronautas, 1758
Predio Sere I, room 42 Jd. da Granja
12227-010 - São José dos Campos
+55 12 39166835

Gary R Watmough

School of Geosciences
University of Edinburgh
Room G02
Drummond Annex
Surgeons Square, EH8 9XP
+44 (0) 131 651 4447

Ola Hall

Inst. för Kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi
Sölvegatan 12
223 62, Lund
+46 46 222 84 09

Silvana Amaral

INPE – National Institute for Space Research
Av. dos Astronautas, 1758
Jardim da Granja
CEP 12227-010
São José dos Campos - SP
+55 12 996255480

WG III/5  Terms of Reference

  • Promote scientific and technical studies that make new uses of old and new remote sensing data/databases in the context of producing new information in support of the design of social, economic and environmental integrated development strategies with emphases on multi-scale , multi-sensor and integrative approaches.
  • Promote debate on importante epistemological issues such:.
    • How can we add value beyond what social scientists would call "simple measures"? That translates into questions of integrating rich data collections (Remote Sensing) with scarce data (household data) but also translational issues in domain knowledge and in models assumptions.
    • In spite of extraordinary achievements over the last decade from working with machine learning and RS there are few downstream applications in the study of economic livelihoods. Different epistemological grounds are some of the reasons to observed compartmentalization.
  • Develop new methods, techniques and methodologies for integrating remote sensing derived data with demographic, economic, health and environmental databases. Studies for their systematization and proposals for their standardization.
  • Study the use of remote sensing data in quali-quantitative approachs enhacing the field of mixed methods in social science research.
  • Promote debate on how these new developments can all be integrated to create a more appropriate set of methods for semi transferable approaches which may then help to increase the take up of EO in policy as well as encourage more policy/decision makers to understand the outputs from the models
  • Test and assess the quality of global remote sensing derived gridded databases on population, human settlements and poverty in regional/local settings.
  • Apply remote sensing to vulnerability assessment of socioecological systems
  • Foster research towards remote sensing new missions oriented to the UNO- no one left behind agenda.
  • Open the dabate on data policies, privacy issues and data access related to remote sensing data in social science contexts.
  • Foster the cooperation with other societies such IUSSP-International Union for the Scientific Study of Population and organisations such UNDP–United Nation Developing Program, UNFPA-United Nations Population Fund, UNO-HABITAT, UN-Habitat, WHO- World Health Organization with its Regional Offices in Africa, Americas  Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, Western Pacific.   



WG III/6 - Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere

Home Page:

Juan Cuesta

Laboratoire Universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA)
Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), France
61 Av. Général de Gaulle 94010 Créteil
+33 1 82 39 20 64
+33 1 45 17 15 64

Frank Hase

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-ASF), Germany
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Simone Lolli

Italian National Research Council (CNR-IMAA)
Contrada S. Loja snc
85050 Tito Scalo (PZ)
+39 3 892377731

Kai Qin

China University of Mining and Technology, China
Daxue Road 1
Xuzhou City
Jiangsu Province
China 221116
+86 15950663287

WG III/6  Terms of Reference

  • Develop remote sensing observations (from satellite, ground-based and airborne) of aerosols, pollutant and greenhouse gasses and clouds, relevant for air quality and climate evolution.
  • Improve existing and develop new retrieval approaches for deriving atmospheric properties from measurements of radiometers, spectrometers, lidars, radars, etc from satellite, ground-based and airborne platforms.
  • Develop novel satellite-based methodologies for inferring new atmospheric data products, such as surface concentrations of air pollutants (PM, O3, NO2, etc).
  • Evaluate and validate satellite observations of atmospheric components by ground-based measurements and networks (AERONET, ACTRIS, TCOON, NDACC, etc).
  • Improve the quality of satellite observations by making metrology and laboratory spectroscopy working groups aware of the needs of the atmospheric remote sensing community.
  • Promote the applications of remote sensing data in chemistry-transport model communities, and develop data assimilation schemes and multi-instrument joint retrievals, thereby supporting better predictions and emission inventories.



WG III/7 - Remote Sensing of the Hydrosphere and Cryosphere

Home Page:

Praveen Kumar Thakur

Water Resources Department
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
Indian Space Research Organisation
4, Kalidas Road
Dehradun - 248 001, Uttarakhand

Beata Csatho

Department of Geology
College of Arts and Sciences
University at Buffalo, SUNY
126 Cooke Hall
Buffalo, NY, 14260-1350
+1 716-645-4325
+ 1 716-645-3999

Jean-Michel Martinez

Institut de recherche pour le Développement
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse
Institute of Geosciences / University of Brasília
+33 5 6133 2817 / +33 6 2777 0049

Vaibhav Garg

Water Resources Department
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
Indian Space Research Organisation
4, Kalidas Road
Dehradun - 248 001, Uttarakhand

Amita V. Mehta

NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
Greenbelt MD
USA 20771
+1 301-614-6270

Christian Massari

Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) of the National Research Council (CNR)
Via Madonna Alta 126
06126, Perugia
+39 0755014405

Praveen Kumar Gupta

Space Applications Centre
Indian Space Research Organisation
Jodhpur Tekra
Ambawadi Vistar P.O
Ahmedabad - 380015
+91 79 2691 4334

Avinash Kumar

National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCOPR)
+91 832 2525 695 

WG III/7  Terms of Reference

  • Develop remote sensing data for assimilation in hydrological and cryospheric models.
  • Contribute to error assessment in the retrieval of satellite based hydrological and cryospheric parameters.
  • Assemble historical records of consistent essential climate variable for studies of changes and trends in the hydrosphere and cryosphere.
  • Assess glacier and ice sheet mass loss and relationships to sea level rise with consideration of thermal expansion, tectonic causes and other factors.
  • Investigate the asymmetry in the changes of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions
    Study trends and changes in albedo at high latitudes and relationships with changes in snow cover and melt patterns.
  • Monitor variability and trends in surface temperature and how they affect snow cover, sea ice extent, glaciers and ice sheet volume, and the permafrost regions.
  • Understand the oceans’ role in the changes and interactions amongst the biological, chemical, and energy/water cycles in the oceans and their influence on terrestrial and cryospheric changes.
  • Help, coordinate, present and future remote sensing missions especially those related to ocean, snow/ice, and terrestrial hydrological observations, and provide expertise in the calibration, validation, and dissemination of the resulting data.
  • Understand hydrological extremes (floods and drought) using multi-sensor remote sensing inputs and develop techniques for early warning system
  • Study the atmosphere-land surface interactions for better hydrological processes understanding
  • Develop strategies for proper water resources management and utilization under changing climate, land use land cover, and management practices.
    Monitor water quality and quantity; and assess future water availability
  • Highlight the role of advanced/upcoming remote sensing satellite sensor (Microwave/Hyperspectral/Thermal/Gravity etc.) for hydrological and cryosphere studies
  • Address sustainable development goals – Climate Action; Zero Hunger; Clean Water and Sanitation using geospatial tools
  • Contribute to capacity building in the field of remote sensing applications for cryosphere and hydrosphere



WG III/8 - Remote Sensing for Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems

Home Page:

Francesco Pirotti

University of Padova
Interdepartmental Research Center in Geomatics, Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Via dell'Università, 16
35020 - Legnaro (PD)
+39 049 827 2710

Megumi Yamashita

Tokyo University of Agricluture and Technology
Institute of Agriclurure, Division of Environmental and Agriclutural Engineering
3-5-8 Saiwai-cho
Tokyo, 183-8509

Jaime Hernandez Palma

Laboratorio de Geomática y Ecología del Paisaje, Facultad de Cs
Forestales y de la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Universidad de Chile
Santa Rosa 11315
La Pintana

Roberto Pierdicca

Università Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e dell’Architettura
Via Brecce Bianche
60131, Ancona

Monica Herrero-Huerta

Cartographic and Land Engineering
Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila
Universidad de Salamanca, Ávila
Hornos Caleros 50
05003, Avila
+34 633864713

Hans-Gerd Maas

Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Dresden University of Technology
Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
+49 351 463 32859

Erico Kutchartt

TESAF Department
CIRGEO Interdepartmental Research Center in Geomatics
University of Padova
viale dell’Università 16

Thomas Zieher

Institute of Natural Hazards
Austrian Research Centre for Forests
Rennweg 1
6020 Innsbruck
+43 664 8850 8295

WG III/8  Terms of Reference

  • Develop new methodologies and algorithms for improving the contribution of remote sensing towards knowledge related to agriculture and natural ecosystems.
  • Test and assess new remote sensing algorithms for monitoring natural and anthropogenic ecosystems.
  • Apply remote sensing for supporting precision agriculture by spectral signature in crops for smart farm management.
  • Promote remote sensing methods for monitoring the health of natural ecosystems and their role as providers of ecosystem services that benefit society.
  • Support climate change studies through remote sensing applications for global and regional scales dynamics monitoring and modelling.
  • Provide solutions to support global initiatives related to protecting important ecosystems such as wetlands, mangroves, tropical forests etc.
  • Collaborate with related academia, researchers, industry and other stakeholders
  • Promote networking with other societies that touch synergistic aspects to the WG's topic
  • Foster creating and sharing of Open Datasets for remote sensing data related to the WG's topics



WG III/9 - Geospatial Environment and Health Analytics

Home Page:

Muralikrishna V. Iyyanki

JN Technological University Hyderabad
D 603, AE Tower
Sheikhpet Old Bombay Road
+91 984 804 9624

Ashraf Dewan

Spatial Sciences Discipline,
School of Earth & Planetary Sciences (EPS)
Curtin University

Maged N. Kamel Boulos

School of Medicine
University of Lisbon
Rm 74, Edifício Egas Moniz
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz
1649-028 Lisbon

Bosco Bwambale

Mountains of the moon university
Box 837 Fort Portal

Mahbuba Nasreen

Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS)
Lecture Theatre Building (First Floor)
University of Dhaka

Suchi Gopal

Boston University
Department of Earth & Environment
Global Development Policy Center
Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
675 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston MA 02215
+1 617 353 5744

WG III/9  Terms of Reference

  • Facilitate the development of region- or site-specific GIS platforms to promote and integrate spatial analysis skills
  • Promote the use of remote sensing and other geospatial technologies to address health problems related to hydrology, land cover, epidemiology etc. to understand pandemics like COVID 19 and implement multi-diseases surveillance.
  • Contribute significantly to the creation of operational and research workforce with adequate knowledge in the state of art tools of geospatial technology like GeoAI, environmental data visualization and management etc., through faculty development workshops spread over various regions of developing world viz.,  Asia, South America, Africa.
  • Support international agencies such as GEOSS, World Health Organisation (WHO) and other UN bodies to promote advancement of knowledge in Remote Sensing and other geospatial technologies for applications in Tele-epidemiology and precision medicine in the context of climate change
  • Promote research and development of geospatial public health management systems for possible interventions by authorities
  • Promote the use of GIS software tools to form hospital marketing strategies and develop programs for promotion of geospatial technology business models by integrating open innovation, design thinking and lean management principles.



ICWG III/II - Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping

Home Page:

Bo Wu

Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations
Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
+852 2766 4335
+852 2330 2994

Prasun Mahanti

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Science Operations Center
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-3603
+1 480 727-7999
+ 1 480 965-8885

Irina Karachevtseva

MIIGAiK Extraterrestrial Laboratory (MExLab)
Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)
Gorokhovsky pereulok, 4
105064, Moscow
+7 499 267-35-13
+7 499 267-35-13

Cristina Re

Italian National Institute for Astrophisics (INAF)
Astronomical Observatory of Padova
35100 Padua, Veneto
+39 0498293412
+39 0498293412

Kaichang Di

Aerospace Information Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
PO.Box 9718, Datun Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100101
+ 86 10 64868229

Jürgen Oberst

German Aerospace Center
Institute for Planetary Research
Planetary Geodesy
Rutherfordstrasse 2
D - 12489 Berlin
+49 30 67055 336
+49 30 67055 402

Randolph Kirk

Astrogeology Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2255 N. Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001
+1 928 890 4823
+ 1 928 556-7014

ICWG III/II  Terms of Reference

  • Develop new methodologies and algorithms for sensor calibration, data fusion and information extraction from planetary remote sensing data
  • Develop advanced techniques in planetary photogrammetry and robotic vision for the mapping of celestial bodies
  • Evaluate and refine reference systems, coordinate systems, control networks, map sheet definitions, etc. and their standardization
  • Develop new algorithms for detection and recognition of geomorphological features on planetary surfaces and study their scientific implications
  • Develop spatial information systems to support extra-terrestrial exploration and science
  • Cooperate with related planetary mapping and exploration working groups in space agencies and international organizations



ICWG III/IVa - Disaster Management

Home Page:

Adam/Saeid Pirasteh

Geospatial Intelligence and Mapping (GIM) Lab
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1

Masood Varshosaz

Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Geomatics Engineering Faculty
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Tehran 15433-19967
+98 21 88786212

Fabiola D. Yépez-Rincón

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)
Calle Pedro de Alba s/n
Centro, C.P. 64000
San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L.
+(81) 14424400

Weilian Li

Faculty of Geosciences and Engineering,
Southwest Jiaotong University, China
No. 999, Xi'an Road, Pidu District,
Chengdu, Sichuan, 611756

Fabio Giulio Tonolo

Department of Architecture and Design
Politecnico di Torino
Viale Mattioli, 39
10125 Torino

Nina Merkle

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), German Aerospace Center, Earth Observation Center
Remote Sensing Technology Institute
Photogrammetry and Image Analysis
82234 Wessling
+49 8153 28 2165

Samira Badrloo

Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Geomatics Engineering Faculty
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Tehran 15433- 19967
+98 21 88786212

Nelly Lucero Ramírez Serrato

Institute of Geophysics
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Circuito de la investigación Científica s/n
Ciudad Universitaria
Delegación Coyoacán
C.P. 04510, Ciudad de México

Vidhya Lakshmi Sivakumar

Department of Geotechnics and Geomatics
Saveetha School of Engineering
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences
Tamil Nadu
India, Pin 602105
+91- 44 2680 1050

Syed Mohd. Asghar Rizvi

IDRS & GISA , AMU Aligarh
H.No. 4/1175 -003A-Zone-01
Syed colony
New S.S. Nagar
Civil Line Dodhpur
+ 91-9897585041

Judith Ley García

Edificio de Investigación y Posgrado
3er. Piso Unidad Universitaria
Blvd. Benito Juárez s/n
Mexicali B.C. México
C.P. 21280

Armin Moghimi

Ludwig Franzius Institute of Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering
Leibniz University Hannover
Nienburger Straße 4
30167 Hannover
+49 15752449465

Muhammad Hassaan Farooq Butt

Emumba Private Limited
Plot # 189-A
Korang Road, I-10/3 I 10/3 I-10, Islamabad
Islamabad Capital Territory

Jonathan Li

Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1
+1-519-888-4567, ext. 34504

Amor Laaribi

UN Retiree
Former UN-GGIM Coordinator
International Freelance Consultant
New York Area
+1 914-357-0765

Leila Farzinpur

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
+1 (416) 978-0005

Rifaat Abdalla

Department of Earth Sciences
College of Science
Sultan Qaboos University
P.O. Box 471, PC: 123, Al-Khodh
Sultanate of Oman

Sisi Zlatanova

UNSW Built Environment
University of New South Wales
Red Centre Building
Kensington Campus
Sydney NSW 2052
+61 4 2449 2894

Herve Yesou

Telecom Physics Strasbourg
University of Strasbourg
bv Sebastien Brant
67412 Illkirchgraffenstaden

Yao Sun

Chair of Data Science in Earth Observation
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstr. 21
80333 Munich
+49 89 289 22676

ICWG III/IVa  Terms of Reference

  • Help bring partners, governments, and communities together to reduce disaster risk and loss exploiting remote sensing data and geospatial information; and to help ensure a safer, more sustainable future by sharing knowledge with policymakers and decision-makers.

  • Promote the advancement and research of the state-of-the-art GeoAI techniques for disaster management and disaster resilience, including machine learning, deep learning, cloud computing, knowledge graphs, early warning systems, monitoring, preparedness, algorithmic data analytics, and algorithms for human detection from earth observations and UAVs/MAVs images and videos, Geo Apps (applications), and so on

  • Investigate a new generation of technologies and their integrated systems for disaster response, modelling, and mapping.

  • Look into the use of geoinformatics in risk communication and strategies, such as data sharing, public engagement and participation, and social media.

  • Investigate natural hazards & disaster simulation and multi-dimensional visualization, including numerical simulation, pre-during-and-post disaster and damage assessment & response, vulnerability and risk estimation, risk mapping, and 2D/3D digital representation.

  • Explore extended reality applications in disasters, including scalability, localization, immersive analysis, and human injured detection from drone images.

  • Investigate disaster information extraction and monitoring, including disaster environment, infrastructure and critical assets, public awareness, and how geographic decision support systems may help with disaster management and risk reduction.

  • Organise technical events. For example, in the interdisciplinary field of remote sensing and disaster management, organise, develop, and conduct supporting educational activities (training courses, workshops, webinars, etc.). The educational activities will contribute to advance the education and professional development of both seasoned and early-stage remote sensing scientists and engineers.

  • Contribute to open access datasets (e.g. UAV image datasets of flood) and to conduct International Disaster Challenges competitions for good GeoAI disaster ideas, including algorithms, App designs, etc.

  • Organize an online catalog of initiatives, remote sensing data and platforms, APIs, SaaS, toolkits, and courses relevant and applicable in the disaster management cycle.

  • Collaborate with other WGs and ICA, FIG, UN-GGIM, UN-Open GIS, and IEEE­GRSS, GEO, JBGIS, ICSU GeoUnions, IRDR.

  • Develop advanced algorithms for detecting humans post-disaster and rescue using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images.



ICWG III/IVb - Remote Sensing Data Quality

Home Page:

Hussein M. Abdulmuttalib

GIS Department
Dubai Municipality
P.O. Box 67
United Arab Emirates
+971 50 7552294

Thomas Blaschke

Dept. for Geoinformatics
Paris Lodron University Salzburg
Schillerstr. 30
5020 Salzburg
+43 662 8044 7525

Zsófia Kugler

Dept. for Photogrammetry and Geoinformation
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Műegyetem rkp. 3
H-1111 Budapest

Friederike Reitze

Geodetic Institute
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Englerstr. 7
76131 Karlsruhe
+49 721 608 42309

ICWG III/IVb  Terms of Reference

  • Assess and report the status of scientific development and applied practices, related to Remote Sensing Data Quality, and suggest related development plans, research works, collaborations, and activities.
  • Cooperate with sister commissions/societies and WGs involved fully/partially with data quality, to assist in the further improvements of Remote Sensing Data Quality Standards and Protocols, and to promote their implementations worldwide.
  • Liaise with WG IV/2 "Spatial Analysis, Spatial Statistics, Uncertainty Modeling, and Artificial Intelligence" aiming the advent of Geospatial quality in all areas of common interest. 
  • Conduct a theme-wise and approach-wise Inventory and classification of the elements of Remote Sensing Data Quality.
  • Encourage and support scientific works that deal with the improvement of remote sensing data quality processes and workflows.
  • Clarify and regulate the effects of error propagation due to acquisition, referencing, storing and archiving, processing, analyzing, reporting and other operations related to remotely sensed data, and assess the impact of different types of degraded input image quality on the application outputs.
  • Clarify the quality aspects of Remote Sensing spatial data operations, resulting and inherited from raster or vector-raster operations, such as but not limited to pixel processing, segmentation, classification including deep learning, object base image analysis, image sensitivity analysis, etc.
  • Encourage studying the reliability and quality measures of Remote Sensing data, in relation to the different application areas that encounter remote sensing, such as environmental monitoring and sustainability, urban planning, city smartness and quality of life, also humanitarian projects for the developing world among other areas of application.
  • Assess Remote Sensing Data Quality with respect to the usage of automated major signatures of the electromagnetic spectral different phases, as much as the relations of the type to the sensors used and the area of application, coverage, visits. Sensor positions, sky clearness, etc.
  • Cooperate with ISPRS Sensor Systems Commission to clarify the Remote Sensing Data Quality aspects inherited from Multispectral optical and hyperspectral sensing, Lidar, SAR microwave sensing, and their operations such as calibration and validation, orientation, navigation, Multi-sensor integration and fusion, mobile mapping, error due to cryospheric and hydrological parameters, pattern analysis, disaster assessment, and health among others.
  • Organize discussion forums to investigate and thus report the aspects of Remote Sensing Data Quality for the different major areas of applications such as Meteorology, Landuse/Landcover change detection, mobile mapping, atmosphere and air quality, environmental monitoring, and agricultural mapping.
  • Revise the advancements in the Quality of sub-data products, including DTMs/DSMs or DEMs, and how that affects the production, and analysis of further products, such as 3D/4D modeling and surface-based analysis.
  • Initiate discussions with WGs III/1-2-3 among others to harmonize activities related to quality aspects of their specific areas of expertise.




The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

Our Contact

Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover