General Plan of Activities

Within the group

Regular communication among WG officers will take place every two to three months (or more often, in case of need) by means of a teleconference. Therefore, tasks will be discussed and assigned depending on the upcoming events. All WG members will be kept informed about the activities and planned initiatives of the WG


Within Technical Commission IV

Given its broad range of topics and its specific focus on digital twin applications, the WG is keen on strongly cooperating with all other WGs within Commission IV, especially with those dealing with geospatial data management for geospatial scenarios (WG5), visualization, databases, and decision support, among others. This means that the WG will contribute to symposia, workshops, summer schools, journal special issues, or cooperate to create common and shared datasets to be used as reference data.


With other Technical Commissions

The WG is planning to cooperate with Commission II, in particular with WG II/3 (3D scene reconstruction & analysis) and with ICWG II/Ib (Digital Construction: Reality capture, automated inspection, and integration to BIM). Ideally, we can imagine the generation of geometries provided by different acquisition technologies such as for example LiDAR and VHR aerial imagery as the first step, followed by the enrichment of those geometries with semantics and other relevant data coming from existing heterogeneous data sources. The latter is among the main topics of Commission IV.


Within ISPRS

Besides the midterm Commission IV Symposium and the two Geospatial Weeks events, the WG is planning to contribute to organising workshops, webinars, seminars, summer school, together with some organisations outside the ISPRS (e.g. with IEEE, FIG,  GATE, etc.). For a complete list of potential partners, see the list in the following.


With organisations outside of ISPRS

The WG is aiming to organise joint activities with









The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

Our Contact

Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover